Turning Inward

As you focus on developing your Emotional Intelligence, pausing to turn inward will help you to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. With greater self-awareness, you will be able to understand what is happening in you and around you. 

Take a look at this short commercial and practice turning inward. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings you experience watching this video.


Take a minute to turn inward and name the different feelings you experienced watching this video. If you haven’t done so already, you can download a list of feelings for help.


Feelings and Emotions Chart


What were you thinking? How was this influencing your feelings?​


What else is influencing how you see the situation?

Share this video with someone else and invite them to also turn inward. 

Compare the different feelings you both experienced. What was similar? What was different? 

What are you learning about yourself and others through this experience?

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