Navigating change and facing challenges that result from change are a fact of life. It may be tempting to see change as an event, but we need to look at change as a journey. With new technologies, innovations, and automation, change continues to occur at a constant rate. Just when we think one change is completed, the next one begins.
So here's the thing...change is constant, and it continues to happen at an accelerated rate.
With constant change happening more quickly and more often, we need to, as individuals, develop our ability to be resilient so that we can continue to experience greater effectiveness, authentic connection, and overall well-being.
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the quality that equips you to face setbacks and adversity with:
- Optimism
- Confidence
- Curiosity
- Growth-mindset
How you navigate setbacks in the workplace is a matter of choice. With resilience, you can keep your eye on the goal and navigate a new course. Resilience can be learned through self-awareness, self-management, and self-alignment.

Over the next week, pay attention to how you respond to change, setbacks, and adversity.
When you face a challenge as a result of change, how do you typically react?
What influences your reactions?
What is your perception of failure?
How would you currently describe your resilience level?
How could greater resilience help you navigate change?
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